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New York: Vegetables grown on the roof

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Whole Foods Market has announced that the first commercial-scale greenhouse farm operating within a grocery space will supply its stores throughout New York City. Gotham Greens is its operating partner in the venture to construct a 20,000-square-foot (close to 2000 m²) greenhouse on the roof of a Whole Foods store in Gowanus, Brooklyn. The greenhouse is scheduled to open later this year.

Gotham Greens already provides produce to some Whole Food stores in the area from its 15,000-square-foot (1400 m²) greenhouse farm atop a two-story warehouse in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The specially designed rooftop farm will include advanced irrigation systems that use up to 20 times less water than conventional farming as well as enhanced glazing materials and electrical equipment to reduce overall energy demand.

Gotham Greens is a New York City based agribusiness that builds and operates commercial scale greenhouse facilities in urban areas for fresh vegetable production since 2011. More information is available here: Whole Foods


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