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Scotland: Significant growth in organics

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organic spend in Scotland is on the rise, the Soil Association reports. Latest figures show a year-on-year increase of 6.1% to £13.4m (almost 16m euros) over a 12 week period ending 9 June 2013. Scottish spend is increasing at a higher rate than the rest of the UK where expenditure is only up by 4.2% to £187.4m (221m euros) for the same period (Source: Kantar Worldpanel). Dairy still holds the largest share of the organic market at 32% in Scotland, closely followed by fruit, vegetables and salads at 27.5%. Specific areas of organic growth have been within canned goods which is up by 20.8% to year to 9 June 2013, ambient bakery products up by 32%, chilled convenience foods up by 18.1% and savoury home cooking which is up by 17.4% to £3.4 million.

This is excellent news for the Soil Association as it has launched the Organic September – Small Changes, Big Difference campaign. Running throughout September, the campaign targets consumers to make just one small change in their shopping habits to make a big difference to sustainable food, animal welfare and the environment. Major UK supermarkets have signed up to the campaign and promote organic products in store. National and independent organic retailers throughout the country are being given toolkits which provide them with promotional products to help boost their organic sales. The Soil Association is asking people to show what small change they are making at where there are also offers, competitions, and farm visits to get involved with. Consumers can also pledge their small changes by tweeting.

Key events taking part during Organic September include:

  • A weekend of organic health and beauty product promotions during Organic Health & Beauty Weekend on 7-8 September.
  • Soil Association Scotland’s celebration of Organic September with Hardeep Singh Kohli on 17 September.
  • The announcement of the Soil Association’s annual Organic Food Awards, supported by Seeds of Change, on 19 September. Now in their 27th year and with over 500 entries, the awards celebrate some of the tastiest, most sustainable food and drink the UK has to offer.
  • Organic Fashion & Textiles Weekend, a focal point for organic textiles and fashion brands and retailers on the weekend of 21-22 September.

Soil Association





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