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Organic Harvest Markets in Denmark

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Organic Harvest Markets took place all over Denmark for the 20th time. About 80 organic farms across the country opened their doors on 31 August and 1 September, and 60,000 Danes experienced farming on-site, tasted food, visited farm shops or went on a field walk with the farmer. Children were also welcome - they indulged in straw castles, baked bread over the fire, were driven by carriages and got close to organic pigs, horses, lambs and calves. (Picture: Organic Harvest Market at Troldgaarden )

More than a million guests have celebrated the harvest of the summer breeding and crops on organic farms since the Organic Harvest Markets took place for the first time in 1993. "It's really nice to see that so many Danes defy rain and wind and support ecology when the organic farmers invite them", says Per Kølster, President of Organic Denmark. The Organic Harvest Market completed the Organic Week, which had started on 26 August. Various events took place on farms as well as in cities throughout the country as a tribute to Danish ecology.

Organic Denmark



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