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Organic promotion campaign in the Netherlands

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Ministry of Economic Affiars in the Netherlands and Bionext have signed a contract for the promotion campaign “Biologisch lekker natuurlijk” – “Organic Tasty Natural” that will run until September 2015, Bionext reports. The campaign aims to raise the interest of the broad public for organics with information, activities and special offers in stores.

The campaign will start with Bio 10daagse (10 organic days) in September 2013. In 2014 and 2015, it will be continued with Lekker naar de Boer (Good for the farmer) in June and organic days in September, with both events taking place each year.

Bionext will work closely with farmers, traders, brands, stores and catering. Currently, Bionext is busy with implementing the organic days for 2013. Interested parties can get in touch with Bionext here. An overview of the sponsorship packages can be found here. The website provides basic information. In September, a website for consumers will be launched.






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