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GM alfalfa to be grown in Canada?

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada have received a submission from Monsanto Canada Inc. and Forage Genetics International LLC seeking approval for unconfined environmental release and livestock feed and food uses of an alfalfa line designated as KK179, which has been genetically modified for reduced lignin, the Organic Federation of Canada reports.

The Canadian organic sector vigorously opposes the approbation of GM alfalfa because the alfalfa crop is essential to organic production and the risk of contamination of organic alfalfa by GM alfalfa is documented as being very high. A report of the Canadian Biotechnology Action NetworkThe Inevitability of Contamination from GM Alfalfa Release in Ontario - is available here. Comments to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency can be submitted here.

Organic Federation Canada



Genetic Engineering

North America

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