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Italy bans cultivation of Mon810

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Italian Ministers of Agriculture (Nunzia De Girolamo), Environment (Andrea Orlando) and Health (Beatrice Lorenzin) have signed a decree banning the cultivation of maize MON810 in Italy, La Repubblica reports. "Our agriculture is based on biodiversity and quality and we must continue to aim for this. Today’s decree is only the first element, the most urgent one, in a series of further initiatives with which we define a new framework regarding the cultivation of GMOs in our country," said Nunzia De Girolamo.

Eight out of ten Italians are against the cultivation of GM crops. The ban is also supported by Coldiretti (Italian Farmers Association) and the Confederazione italiana agricoltori (Italian Farmers Confederation). According to Giuseppe Politi, president of the confederation, it is possible to produce crops free from biotechnology in Italy and in Europe, with brings benefits for the environment and health and offers the possibility of improving the income of farmers.

La Repubblica



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