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First state to pass GM food labeling in the USA

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The state of Connecticut has become the first to successfully enact a law requiring food containing genetically modified ingredients to be labeled as such, though it comes with an unusual requirement, RT reports. Four additional states, one of which must border Connecticut, must pass labeling laws as well. An additional requirement is that the aggregate population of any combination of such states exceed 20 million people. The House of Representatives has passed the bill on a 134-3 vote.

“Connecticut is a fairly small state and we wanted to make sure that it wouldn’t be the only state in the region to pass such a law, which could have been a disadvantage for our small businesses,” said Todd Murphy, a spokesman for the House of Representatives. The Center for Food Safety, which campaigns against GM foods, applauded the vote, accoring to The Raw Story. Connecticut’s leadership provides momentum and an incentive for these other states to move forward, a spokesperson of the Center for Food Safety stated.


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