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First European Fair Cotton Procurement Awards

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Partners of the Cotton on to Fairtrade procurement project have announced the launch of awards with an aim to reward those who use best practice in cotton procurement and help improve the livelihoods of small-scale and marginalized cotton farmers in the developing world, the Fairtrade Foundation reports. (Picture by TrevorLeigthon: Cotton picking in Diadoubala / Mali)

The pioneering initiative will recognise excellence in the sourcing of Fairtrade cotton and responsible purchasing within the cotton supply chain by public bodies across Europe. The European Fair Cotton Procurement Awards are open to all levels of local authorities, public bodies and higher education establishments that are subject to the EU public procurement guidelines. Applicants can submit and showcase their achievements in sustainable sourcing on cotton procurement and their purchasing practices and performance, showing how much Fairtrade certified cotton they actually buy.  

The call for applications was opened in June and online applications as well as the supporting evidence can be submitted up until the 31st of December 2013. Applications will be assessed at national level. The highest scoring entrants will be nominated for the European awards, and be judged by an independent panel of experts alongside organisations from other participating European countries. The prize winners will be awarded during an official ceremony that will take place in Brussels in April 2014. More information can be found here

The Cotton on to Fairtrade procurement project is delivered by the Fairtrade Foundation, People and Planet, Platforme pour le Commerce Equitable, Fairtrade Ireland and the Fair Trade Advocacy Office. More information is available here:






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