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Organic label strongly recognised in Denmark

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Ø label is well-known in Denmark, Organic Denmark reports. According to a new survey conducted by YouGov for the Ministry of Food, 98% of consumers recognize the Danish organic label, and 84% trust in the organic brand and production behind it. 66% of the consumers that know the organic label associate it with avoiding pesticides, while 43% believe they support the environment by choosing organic. (Picture: People showing  the organic label at the Copenhagen Food Fair)

”The Danes are absolutely right that ecology is the proper choice to avoid pesticides in food, groundwater and nature. But the study also shows that there is a great potential for organics when continuing to increase the Danes' knowledge about ecology and the many beneficial effects it has”. Per Kølster, President of Organic Denmark states. The EU label, which became operational in 2010, was recognized by 48% of Danes in the recent survey, an increase from 20% in an earlier study.

Organic Denmark





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