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Out to Lunch campaign in the UK

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organix, the leading organic baby food company in the UK, and the Soil Association have launched the Out to Lunch campaign to encourage restaurants to improve food choices offered to children. Anna Rosier, Managing Director at Organix comments: “Going to restaurants is a regular part of children’s lives and the industry has a role to play when it comes to educating children about food. What they eat at a young age will impact what they’ll choose and prefer later in life. Currently many restaurant children’s menus consist of only a few, often unhealthy choices. Surely this isn’t fair when adults get a whole host of freshly cooked dishes to choose from?”

A team of parents are currently reviewing 21 chain restaurants and reporting back on their experience of eating out with their children, and the Soil Association is contacting restaurants to find out more about what’s on the menu. Out to Lunch researcher, Amy Leech at the Soil Association, comments: “With one in three children leaving primary school overweight or obese, it’s widely agreed this problem needs tackling from all angles. We want to see healthy, traceable food on the menu for children in restaurants, not just the usual suspects with chips. In July, we will release our research findings and work in partnership with restaurants to make changes to menus available for children.” (Picture: Benefiting from a healthy meal)

Soil Association


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Organic Hotels/Gastronomy


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