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Italy: NaturaSì launches online consumer magazine

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Valore Alimentare, the magazine that has already been available as a print medium in NaturaSì stores in Italy, is now available online. It can also be followed on Twitter and Facebook.  Additionally, NaturaSì now has an official page on Facebook:,

So far, the web presence of Valore Alimentare was ment to accompany the print magazine. Now the new website is completely renewed and available on social media in order to get closer to its readers and offers the possibility for a dialogue. Questions, suggestions and comments are welcome.

The magazine aims at people that are passionate about food, and introduces recipes for the people who want to discover the most genuine flavours of dishes prepared with organic ingredients. It assists expectant mothers and to those who cook daily for their children, combining a delicious, healthy diet with fun. It informs people who want to know what they eat and watch what they spend, informs on reusing and recycling and gives tips on creating a small garden on the balcony, for example. The categories on the website at this time are health, beauty, cuisine, food, "do it yourself", agriculture, appointments, and news from the world. The magazine is available in Italian here:



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