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Netherlands: Ten years of “Adopt a Chicken”

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The number of organic laying hens in the Netherlands has increased massively in the past ten years, from about 300,000 in 2003 to approximately 2.1 million in 2013, Bionext reports. Adopt a Chicken, an initiative of Bionext, has helped to raise awareness about organic farming methods in these years.


Miriam van Bree, project manager at Bionext: "When participating in Adopt a Chicken, one makes sure that the chicken lives a dignified, organic life. Simultaneously, it is a contribution to the overall promotion of organic and special chicken projects. Every month, a box of farm-fresh organic eggs can be collected at a participating store." Currently, about 12,000 people take part in this project. Participating stores include almost all organic stores, organic farm shops and all affiliates of Jumbo and Lidl in the Netherlands. Wholesaler De Kwerer has 642 organic chickens adopted for all its customers. More information on the project (in Dutch) is available here:





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