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North American Organic Brewers Festival

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

More than 15,000 beer lovers, music fans and supporters of sustainable living annually come together to “Drink Organic, Save the Planet, One Beer at a Time” at the North American Organic Brewers Festival. The 9th edition of the event will take place from 27 - 30 June 2013 at Overlook Park in North Portland. (Pictures by Timothy Horn - NAOFB 2012)

Designed to raise awareness about organic beer and sustainable living, the NAOBF typically serves up more than 50 organic beers and ciders from 40 different breweries. Styles run  from Belgian Whites to Cascadian Darks, offering something for every palate. There's also live local music, organic food, sustainability-oriented vendors and non-profits, a soda garden with complimentary root beer for minors and designated drivers, and a children's area with face painting and activities.

Festival attendees sample beer from reusable and compostable cornstarch cups made from domestically grown corn by a zero-waste, solar-powered company. Electricity needs are met with a combination of biodiesel and solar generators. Volunteers receive organic cotton t-shirts. Food vendors are required to use compostable cutlery and plates and employ sustainable practices, and onsite composting and recycling stations are provided for festival waste. More information on the festival is available here:


North America


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