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USDA Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan steps down

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Kathleen Merrigan has announced she is resigning as Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, Produce News reports. Ms. Merrigan is best known for advocating USDA programs that support local and regional farmers and as a vocal champion of the "Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food" initiative. The produce industry recognized the second-in-charge for highlighting fresh fruits and vegetables in America's diets, improving the National Organics Program and rolling out the MyPlate nutrition message.

In a statement, Ms. Merrigan said that it has been an ambitious first term for her: "From implementing the 2008 farm bill, improving school meals, expanding opportunities for American farmers, spending countless hours in the White House situation room, to shepherding USDA budgets through challenging times, it has been an honor to play a small part in history."

Ms. Christine Bushway, Executive Director and CEO of the Organic Trade Association, has expressed her appreciation for Ms. Merrigan’s service. During her tenure as Deputy Secretary, Ms. Merrigan has continued to be an important advocate for a strong National Organic Program - a role she has played since aiding Senator Patrick Leahy in the initial crafting of the Organic Foods Production Act. Her advocacy has served the organic sector well for many years and it has been gratifying to see her hold true to this as Deputy Secretary, Ms. Bushway wrote. Ms. Merrigan has also been a favourite speaker at Organic Trade Association events. The full letter to Ms. Merrigan is available here.




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