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Spain: Prize for Schools, Organic Agriculture and Food

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In the United Nations’ Decade of Education for Sustainable Development from 2005-2014, the principles, values and practices of sustainable development should be integrated into all aspects of education and learning.

Organic school gardens and organic food have been incorporated into many educational centers, and now have become an important part of the teaching and student learning in many schools throughout Catalonia. In this frame of reference and work of responsibility between different government bodies, the Prizes for Schools, Organic Agriculture and Food (I premi Escola, Agricultura i Alimentació Ecològica) were launched, aimed at education centers, primary and secondary schools and at special education, Mamaterra reports.

This project aims at introducing and connecting initiatives and good practices in Catalonia, encouraging both teachers and students to succeed in the school garden project, at creating a database with collaborative activities and projects where organic gardens and catering are the protagonists, at recognizing the educational work of teachers, carrying ecological consumption beyond the classroom and at rewarding education that is shared between families and school.




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