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Italy: a contest to promote organics

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Le Stelle del Biologico” – “The stars of organics” is a competition to reward the best communication initiatives for organics in Italy. The ability to communicate the value of organic farming  to consumers is one of the factors that have contributed most to the success of organics in recent years, SINAB reports. For that reason the competition, which can be joined until 20 December 2012, is addressing organic producers, distributors and other companies to make consumers aware of the reasons for the organic choice. The national competition is organised by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in collaboration with ISMEA.

The competition is based on several sections depending on the media used (web, radio and TV, magazines) and aims to reward initiatives for promoting a specific product or brand name that are able to give a useful message to the increase the use of Italian organic products. Awards are also provided for specific communication initiatives designed to promote short chain supplies.






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