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First Africa Land Forum

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In November, 95 participants from 22 countries convened at the Hotel Franco in Yaoundé, Cameroon for the 1st Africa Land Forum with the theme ‘Securing the land rights of indigenous people and rural communities’ (see picture). The forum was organized by the Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association of Cameroon (MBOSCUDA) and the International Land Coalition (ILC) Africa.

The Africa Land Forum included presentations from nationally recognized activists and land rights experts in Cameroon. ILC Africa members from throughout Africa presented their achievements and lessons learned for promoting people-centred land governance at the national level. The importance of gender equity and women’s land rights was a central theme throughout the Forum. At the end of the forum, participants unanimously approved the Yaoundé Declaration, which identifies emerging issues and challenges on land issues and details eight recommendations focused on African governments, in particular the government of Cameroon.The full program and presentations can be downloaded here.






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