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Tastiest Apple of the Netherlands award

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Dalinco apple of fruit grower Harrie van den Elzen from Zeeland was chosen "Tastiest apple of the Netherlands" in a live television broadcast. The election was organised by a popular Dutch food blog. Harrie's apple won because of it’s delicious taste, and also because it is sustainable in many different ways. The jury also praised his Red Topaz and Santana apples. Harrie van den Elzen works under the Demeter label and offers transparency about his orchards through the Nature & More 'trace & tell' system (code 572).

The jury elected the winner from five finalists in a blind tasting session. Out of these five, four were organic growers. In the pre-selection, the jury attached a lot of importance to the direct relation between farmer and consumer. In the announcement of the contest, one of the initiators wrote: "Sometimes the apple eaters - if they are above 40 - may know the name of the apple variety, but rarely do they know anything about the grower or the growing methods."

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