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Agriculture and Landscape - The Way to Mutual Harmony

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The book Agriculture and Landscape - The Way to Mutual Harmony by Borivoj Šarapatka, Urs Niggli et al. is published by the Palacky University in Olomouc, the Czech Republic, in cooperation with FiBL in Switzerland, the Czech Ministry of the Environment, the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, and Bioinstitut in Olomouc, CZ. It costs 15 Euros plus packaging.

The book deals with the problems of the contemporary intensively-farmed landscape and describes possible measures for arable land, grassland, orchards and vineyards.It contains the following subjects: ecological relationships and problems in the agricultural landscape, biodiversity for agriculture; protection of rural landscape character; maintenance, development and establishment of semi-natural habitat in the agricultural landscape; farming measures on arable land; permanent grassland and its importance; measures in orchards and vineyards; agriculture in areas with restricted systems of management; organic agriculture – the way to sustainability; water elements in agricultural landscape; and whole farm conservation plans. Orders for the book can be placed at the Palacky University scientific bookshop:



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