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Extrascape Award for Mani Bläuel organic olive oil

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The already multi-awarded olive oil from Greece, Mani Bläuel, obtained one more recognition at the international "Extrascape Award" in the category "Medium Fruity Organic Olive Oil - Traditional Landscape". The uniqueness of the "Extrascape Award" is that, together with the usual evaluation of quality and taste of the oil, also environmental care, good fitting with the surroundings and respectful farming techniques are incorporated into the assessment. The olive tree is an integral part of the landscape and culture of the Mediterranean region.  This explains the importance of the Extrascape  award, which is organized by the Italian non-profit organizations Molisextra and Agrycult. 120 oils were submitted, 31 reached the final stage of evaluation and 12 were awarded by the jury, composed of six olive oil tasters and five university specialists of landscape, agriculture and environment.  

 "Our oil is from the indigenous Koroneiki variety, that yields what is recognizably one of the best olive oils in the world, thanks to the ideal location and climate conditions," Fritz Bläuel, founder and Senior CEO of Bläuel Greek Organic Products, declares. In the mid-80’s, together with his wife Burgi, the organic pioneer started the cooperation with the olive farmers aimed at conversion to organic agriculture in the Mani (Peloponnese). That was five years before the first EU-Eco-Regulation. Through their commitment, the first ever organic olive oil in Greece was produced. In accordance with the ideals and standards of the company Bläuel the olive farmers manage their groves following environmental guidelines. The last successful years have shown that the change was worthwhile for the farmers as well as the environment. The farmers receive higher prices for their organic oil, and the increase of organic matter in the soil of the groves has contributed to the enrichment of variety in the local fauna and flora. More information is available here and




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