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USA: Organic Avenue opens new location

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organic Avenue has opened a new location in Greenwich Village. “Greenwich Village has embraced the fundamental values of Organic Avenue. We felt the demand from residents for more healthy options in their neighborhood and wanted to spread the LOVE (Live Organic Vegan Experience) lifestyle with a new boutique on 8th Street,” said Denise Mari, founder of Organic Avenue.

Organic Avenue is a leading provider of organic, cold-pressed juices, raw food and cleansing programs. The boutique offers the full Organic Avenue menu including LOVE cleanses, cold-pressed organic juices, raw food staple products, entrees, desserts, whole food supplements, natural beauty products and organic snacks. The store is the first new opening of 2012. In 2011, the company opened four new locations. Additionally, Organic Avenue has immediate plans to open a store in Roslyn Heights, Long Island – its first outside New York City.

Organic Avenue



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