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UK: Natracare highly commended by Waitrose

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Waitrose has highly commended Natracare’s CO2 reduction policy in their ‘Waitrose Way Awards’ in the ‘Treading Lightly’ category. This is the first time Waitrose has held the awards, aiming at celebrating suppliers’ initiatives to enhance the sustainability of their businesses. Suppliers were invited by Waitrose to enter the awards under the categories of Treading Lightly, Championing British, Living Well and Treating People Fairly - which are the four core principles of the supermarket’s CSR policy ‘The Waitrose way’.

Natracare has always had sustainability at its core, striving to produce organic and natural feminine hygiene products in the most environmentally friendly and responsible way possible. The company reduces emissions directly by using raw materials with the lowest possible carbon footprint, avoiding unnecessary energy use and by increasing efficiency of their systems. With the help of initiatives such as the Environmental Product Declaration and the Carbon Trust, Natracare measures its environmental impacts and then takes steps to reduce and avoid emissions. 

By analysing and verifying the origins of raw materials and the manufacturing practices on an annual basis, under consultation with an environmental agency, Natracare has acquired and maintained a Type III environmental accreditation since 2008, becoming the very first feminine hygiene product to do so. Natracare also holds full organic certification for the organic cotton processes as well other environmental accreditations such as the Nordic Ecolabel and USDA Biobased labelling. More information is available here .





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