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Increasing demand for organics in Ukraine

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The organic processing industry in Ukraine continues growing with remarkable speed, EcoConnect reports. The organic open air exhibition “Organichniy Dyvogray” was held in Kiev in October 2011. About 7,000 consumers filled their baskets with organic products like vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, cheese, butter, flour, sugar, grains, cereals, teas, and herbs. 33 exhibitors took part in the exhibition. Another big event held in Ukraine was the Organic Processing Conference, also in October 2011, which brought together 165 participants. (Picture: organic products in Ukraine)

There were about 40 processors active in the Ukrainian organic food market at the end of 2011, which is a remarkable growth as there were only a few organic processors three years ago. There is still no organic law in Ukraine (we reported earlier), but at the moment a new proposal is being prepared. From about 17 certification bodies present in Ukrainian market at the moment, only one, “Organic Standard”, is a local one. It certifies according to EU regulations and is recognized by the European Commission (UA-BIO-108).

According to a representative of EthnoProduct, Ukrainian consumers are sensitive to food quality especially when it comes to dairy products intended mainly for children. Mass media have played a great role in disclosing problems with conventional food production in Ukraine. And even though the term "organic" is still not widely understood, many consumers learn the difference from a growing number of articles in the press. According to media monitoring by FiBL, about 15 stakeholders regularly write about organic issues at their websites and in their publications, like the Ukrainian Organic magazine Organic UA, Glossary Organic magazine and BioLan bulletins.

The Swiss-Ukrainian project "Organic Certification and Market Development in Ukraine" implemented by FiBL with the support of the Swiss State Secretary for Economic Affairs (SECO) started in 2005 and was accomplished at the end of June 2011. It contributed to the growth of the Ukrainian organic sector and to its integration in the world trade by providing access to new market opportunities. Many other players have also contributed in the successful development of the organic market, like the association of organic production stakeholders "BioLan Ukraine", Organic Federation of Ukraine, and the association of producers of organic products “ Pure Flora ”. An overview of organic farming and the market in Ukraine can be found in the Organic Agriculture Country Report Ukraine, written by EkoConnect (in German).



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