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UK: University receives Food for Life catering mark

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Nottingham Trent University has received a top catering award, Nottingham Post reports. It is one of only two universities to be given a Silver Food for Life mark by the Soil Association. The award has been given because of food standards in the Arkwright building on the city campus, the George Eliot building in Clifton, and the cafe at the Brackenhurst site.

The minimum standard to receive a Food for Life mark (bronze) requires that meals contain no undesirable food additives or hydrogenated fats, that 75 % of dishes are freshly prepared, meat is from farms which satisfy UK welfare standards, eggs are from cage-free hens, menus are seasonal, training is provided for all catering staff, and no GM ingredients are used.

To receive a silver award, additional criteria is required: a range of local, organic and fair trade produce is served, chicken, eggs and pork products are from sources which meet high welfare standards or 10 % of food is organic, no fish is served from the Marine Conservation Society 'fish to avoid' list, and information about where the food has come from is on display. More information on the standards is available here:


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