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Italy: Coop Sole will celebrate 50th birthday

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Cooperativa Sole at Parete in the province Caserta in Italy will celebrate its 50 birthday in February 2012. The company is Italian leader in the cultivation of strawberries, and about two thirds of their production is dedicated to organic fruit and vegetables. Founded in 1962, the cooperative has recently renovated their premises and launched a series of events. Among those were a conference and a business proposal for the development of the territory, which was presented to the political and social institutions of the area.

The Cooperative Sole associates 104 producers, Greenplanet reports. In addition to supplying the most important large and medium supermarkets in Italy, the coop's products are sold to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Associated with Apofruit and Moc Mediterraneo srl, the company participates in the CPR System.



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