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Finland: K-food stores aim to double Pirkka organic selection

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K-food stores aim to double the selection of Pirkka organic products from the current fifty to some one hundred next year, Kesko reports. The selection of other organic products available at K-food stores will also be expanded. In addition, K-retailers will complement their organic selections by local products. The Organic Week in October also brought frozen organic chicken, much in demand by customers, to the K-citymarkets in the Greater Helsinki area. (Picture: K-market Aurinkolahti)
“We have taken into account the keen demand for good quality Pirkka organic products offered at permanently affordable prices and have decided to double the number of organic products in the range”, says Kesko Food's Juha Andelin, responsible for the Pirkka range. The newest Pirkka organic products to join the range are the first organic ready-to-eat meals, which were introduced in K-food stores in late September. The total number of organic products offered by stores depends on the demand, season and store size. Kesko Food is one of the founder members of Pro Luomu ry, a registered association for organic sector operators, which was founded in March 2011.

Kesko has about 2,000 stores engaged in chain operations in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia, and Belarus. Kesko Food and the K-food stores support and promote healthy eating habits and make alternatives for responsible consumption available to customers. The focus areas in responsibility include taking care of employee wellbeing and developing selections of sustainably produced goods, especially for the Pirkka product range, which includes Pirkka Fairtrade products, Pirkka Luomu organic products and Pirkka products with Swan labelling, for example. In addition, Kesko Food and the K-food stores continuously work to help save energy and climate. The K-Group's own K-environmental store operating model pays particular attention to the reduction of stores' environmental impact.

Kesko Food


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