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Italy: "Fresco in città" now in Florence

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

"Fresco in città" ("Fresh in the city") was launched two years ago to offer organic products directly to consumers. Initially, the products were delivered by bicycle to Fresco in cittàs customers in Livorno and Prato. Now the company has expanded to Florence by opening their first store, Greenplanet reports. It is also possible for customers to get their goods delivered by bicycle in some areas of Florence. Behind the company are 19 associates: organic farmers, producers of soap and organic cosmetics, and organisations with a high social interest. 
Fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy product are offered at the new store and can also be ordered for delivery. One can also find oil and wine, biscuits, sweets, fruit juices and preserves in the shelves, as well as cleaners on tab, all of which are organic. Products from Libera, an association against the Mafia, and Fairtrade articles can also be found at Fresco in città. About 90 % of the products come from companies located in Tuscany, and the others are from areas with specialities like Sicily and Parmigiano.

The new selling point is also a place to meet and to learn more about the producers and the territory. Gastronomic trips and farm holidays are also organised. Special boxes are prepared for the needs of singles and for households with children, as well as for vegans and vegetarians. An "organic box from Tuscany" is available for delivery to customers living outside the region.




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