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Denmark: Winner of the canteen price 2011

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Canteen Manager Helge Heilskov Kristensen at ATP wins this year's canteen price from Landbrug & Fødevarers (Danish Agriculture and Food Council). The ATP canteen uses 75 % organic ingredients and holds the organic silver mark. Mr Kristensen is convinced that the organic ingredients are the main reason for winning the prize. When starting to use organic products in the kitchen for the canteen about four years ago, it was mostly about good ingredients with lots of flavour, according to Helge Kristensen. Today, the environmental and social reasons also become part of the motivation to use them.

Every day, Helge Heilskov Kristensen, along with his 18 employees, serves food for approximately 750 people, Organic Denmark reports. The canteen has positioned itself centrally for employee health and represents ATP's ideology that health is a part of good employee satisfaction. Food to take home and to give ideas for cooking is part of ATP's offer, since the company believes this is necessary for a healthy balance in life. The canteen has its own herb garden and apple orchard, and everything that it serves is made from scratch. High emphasis is put on quality and on Danish ingredients. Whenever possible, the canteen sources directly from farmers. (Picture: Mr Krisensen receiving the prize)

Organic Denmark


Organic Hotels/Gastronomy


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