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Spain – largest organic land area in Europe

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

During her presentation in July 2011 of agricultural data for the organic sector in 2010 the Spanish Minister for the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Aguilar, again highlighted the support given by the Government for sustainable farming.  The organic sector will be promoted with the help of a new action plan, and domestic consumption in particular is to be increased.  The data revealed that the area dedicated to organic agriculture in Spain rose to close to 1.7 million hectares in 2010, an increase of 4.45 % compared with the previous year. This makes Spain the country with the largest organic land area in the European Union for the third consecutive year. In 2010, the number of organic operators in Spain grew to 27,877 producers and 2,747 processors. (Picture: large paella on the occasion of the fair Ecocultura)

Rosa Aguilar (picture), the Minister for the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) in Spain, underlined the importance of organic production which embraces the main objectives of the ministry: the production of quality food and the preservation of the environment. This growing sector is also very important because of the creation of so-called "green jobs” in the country. She introduced the second action plan for the promotion of organic agriculture, which came into effect immediately. The first action plan for 2007-2010, with almost 60 million euros allocated to organic farming, was an important factor underlying the enormous growth of the sector. The value of the food market in Spain amounted to more than 900 million euros, and organic land area grew from 4,235 hectares in 1991 to more than 1.6 million hectares in 2010.

However, Rosa Aguilar stated that the sector still had much potential for success and growth and that, in consequence, a detailed analysis of the situation and the needs of organic farming in Spain was necessary. On 31 May, MARM held a day of reflection and debate, which was attended by representatives of organisations, institutions and administration in the sector, at which the need for improvement was identified and possible actions to overcome the challenges were pointed out. (Picture: Presentation of organic products at the fair BioCultura in Valencia)

New requirements of organic agriculture as well as possible measures were defined. In particular, she emphasized how important it was to stimulate domestic consumption of organic food. Promotion campaigns and information for the public would be measures adopted to improve domestic consumption. The Minister also pointed out that research and training activities in production, marketing and postgraduate scholarships were already being implemented. 

The ministry will strive both to optimize the role of organic production within the framework of the CAP and to enhance the role of farming in environmental policy. And, as a further major objective, the minister added that it was necessary to improve and intensify relations with the stakeholders in the industry. MARM would continue with the development of a framework for collaboration among representative bodies in the sector.

With more than 1.6 million hectares of organic land, Spain is the largest producer of organic products in Europe and the sixth largest in the world. In 2010, the biggest area of organic agricultural land was in Andalusia (900,000 hectares). Also in 2010, the autonomous region of Valencia had 56,627 hectares of organic land, an increase of 46 % on 2009. Asturias also increased its organic area (by 30 %), as well as País Vasco (18 %), and Castilla y León (19 %). Organic land, excluding pastures, meadows and forests, amounted to 604,147 hectares in 2010, an increase of 5.5 % compared with 2009.

Especially pulses (sold as dry goods) increased by 91 % in 2010 and vegetables by 46 %, cultivated on an area of 39,367 and 10,156 hectares respectively. The cultivation of cereals was still in first place with 27.5 % of the total organic land (166,081 hectares), followed by olive groves with 21 % (126,328 hectares), nuts with 15 % (89,900 ha), and vineyards with 9.5 % (57,231 hectares). Other crops, planted on a smaller area but of great economic importance that increased in 2010, were fruit (5,692 ha) and citrus fruit (5,391 ha).

5021 farms were dedicated to animal production, an increase of 10.5 % compared with 2009 (4,548 farms). Of the total, 49.5 % kept cattle and 28 % kept sheep.  Goats, horses, poultry, pigs, beekeeping and aquaculture played a minor role.

In 2010, 27,877 producing companies were certified organic in Spain compared with 25,291 companies in 2009, an increase of 10 %. The number grew in all autonomous regions, with the largest growth in País Vasco (32 %), followed by Asturias (22 %) and Cataluña (17.5 %). The largest number of operators was in Andalusia with a total of 9,923, followed by Castilla-La Mancha with 4,730. (Picture: One of the most important products in Spain - olive oil)

2747 processing companies were counted, an increase of 11.5 % since 2009. Organic processing companies were located in all the autonomous provinces. Valencia increased its number of operators by 58 %, País Vasco by 24 % and Castilla La-Mancha by 20 %. Most operators were located in Andalusia (625), followed by Cataluña. In this expansion, the processing of fruit, wine and oil played the most important role. Important, but on a smaller scale, were the slaughter and butchering of animals, and the production of milk, cheese and other dairy products. Another product was honey. The number of companies processing fish, crustaceans and molluscs rose from 10 in 2009 to 19 in 2010. (Picture: Campina Verde presenting its products at a trade fair)





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