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H&M: number one user of organic cotton

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

H&M was the biggest user of organic cotton worldwide in 2010, according to the latest data revealed by Textile Exchange.  The TE report provides the organic cotton and sustainable textile market with estimates for the preceding year, while identifying trends and market leaders and providing market projections for the year to come. In 2010, H&M used around 15,000 tonnes of organic cotton – a marked increase from previous years. “The intention is to gradually use more organic cotton as part of our target to only use more sustainable cotton by 2020. We want to further contribute towards increased demand for organic cotton and motivate farmers for sustainable cotton cultivation” says Henrik Lampa, CSR Manager Product at H&M.

H&M has been using certified organic cotton since 2004 and since 2007 there are garments made with 100 % organic cotton in all departments, as well as some garments made from 50 % organic cotton and 50 % conventional cotton. All garments made with organic cotton have a hangtag marked “organic cotton”.

As well as investing in organic cotton, H&M works to improve conventional cotton growing and to make all cotton used more sustainable. H&M has been involved with the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) since its inception in 2004, and is an elected member of the organisation’s council. The BCI is a long-term initiative that develops and promotes good farm practices allowing more cotton to be grown while reducing water and chemical use.




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