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“Seeds Act” in Poland to legalise planting of GM seeds

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In spite of a great effort on the part of many people both in Poland and abroad on 31st July 2011 the Senate of the Polish parliament voted to pass into law the 'Seeds Act', which legalises the planting of GM seeds in Poland. Parliamentarians and senators from Civic Platform and the Peasant Party, the ruling coalition parties, cast their votes in favour of the Act, defeating opposition by a small majority.

Now only the President of Poland who has to sign off this Act can prevent it from becoming law, ICPPC reports. He has 21 days to do this from the date of the parliamentary vote, and here lies a last chance to block the passage of this disastrous Act. To have any chance of saving the Polish countryside and food chain from sliding into irreversible GM contamination, ICPPC asks to write immediately to President Komorowski demanding that he rejects this Act and recognises the huge resistance shown by Polish citizens to any form of GMO entering the food chain.


International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside:


Genetic Engineering

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