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Fairtrade in Spain: Sales grew by 82 %

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Spanish consumers increasingly opt for Fairtrade products. In 2010, sales of Fairtrade certified products amounted to 14.9 million Euros in the country, a growth of 82.5 % on the previous year. In terms of sales value, the strongest growth was achieved for coffee, Ecoticias reports. The value of Fairtrade coffee sales doubled to 10.5 million Euros in 2010.

This positive result is also due to supporting campaigns such as "Café del Bueno", which Fairtrade Spain organised during 2010 in the hotel and catering sector. The gastronomic sector is also the channel that has brought more dynamism to Fairtrade sales in 2010, with an increase of sales of 170 %. After coffee, sweets made with cane sugar and cocoa, mainly from Africa, were most demanded by consumers. Sales of Fairtrade sugar, sweets, chocolates and ice cream were worth about 3.4 million Euros in Spain.

More than 250 Fairtrade references and 64 certified Fairtrade brands are available in Spain. They are offered at Fairtrade stores, supermarkets, health food stores and smaller stores, as well as in bars, restaurants and hotels. In addition, a growing number of vending machines in office buildings offer these products. More information (in Spanish) is available here




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