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Fair Trade exhibition in Spain

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The second edition of the exhibition Feria de Importadoras (Fair of Importers) will be held in Madrid on 25 June 2011. The fair will display new fairly traded items for the next season, aiming at specialized shops and at businesses interested in selling these products. More than 2,000 products will be displayed. The event is organized by the State Coordinator of Fair Trade and has the support of the Municipality of Madrid.

Among the food products to be presented are Bio Cola, the first organic and fair trade cola-flavored soft drink, and cereal bars in four different flavors with ingredients from South Africa, Chile and Pakistan. Two varieties of coffee will be released in time for the fair, flavored with cinnamon and vanilla, with ingredients from Mexico, Nicaragua, Brazil and Peru.

A large selection of non-food products will also be presented, like handbags made from juice containers coming from the Philippines, and handmade fabric and wool produced by Indian women. There will also be a detergent on offer, produced from the fruits of the so-called "soap tree" that grows in Nepal. The fair trade items are imported to Spain from eight organizations: Alternative 3, COPADE, EquiMercado, Fundación Vicente Ferrer, IDEAS, Oxfam, Mercadeco y Taller and Solidaridad. More information is available at the website of Comercio Justo


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