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Seminar: The Case for Sustainable Fashion

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Made-By and Textile Exchange are inviting to the one day intensive seminar on sustainable fashion (clothing and textiles) „The Case for Sustainable Fashion“ in Brusseles, Belgium, on 31 May 2011. It is an oppurtunity to assist textile and apparel professionals working in brands and retailers to speed up changes and opportunities in the supply chain. The agenda can be viewed here.

Main topics covered include:

Setting up a sustainability strategy that fits your business
The journey to sustainable fashion- brand case
The sustainable textiles market
Consumer trends-communication towards sustainability
Environmental preferred fibers
A deep dive in recycled synthetics
Cotton options - Organic, Fair trade, Cotton Made in Africa and BCI
Product integrity - transparency, certification and labeling
Responsible Processing - dyeing & finishing

Participants will be encouraged to be critical, ask questions and share experiences during discussions. It will be a place to actively share knowledge and information and to network at every possible level. More information is available here.



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