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Update on Glyphosate residues in organic lentils

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The causes of Glyphosate residues in organic lentils shipped by TIRYAKI Agro Gida Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., Gaziantep, Turkey remain under investigation. Most likely is negligent commingling of organic lentils with conventional lentils with high Glyphosate residues during warehousing. The fact of gross negligent conduct over a long period of time on the side of TIRYAKI is calling for drastic changes in organic practices. IMO summarizes the present situation:

The TIRYAKI lentil factory, where the suspected commingling occurred, will definitely remain excluded form processing and storage of organic lentils. All future handling of organic lentils by TIRYAKI will be done in a separate facility, the Batalli Factory in Gaziantep, which has been newly rented by TIRYAKI for exclusive use for organic products. IMO performed the initial inspection of this facility by two senior inspectors (Turkey/ Germany) and the premises were determined fit for organic processing. Once the analysis results of dust samples will show that the premises are without residual risk of contamination for organic produce the Batalli factory will be released for organic lentil processing before the new harvest in June 2011.

With respect to further products, such as organic chickpeas and wheat, TIRYAKI’s work instructions, documentary and sampling procedures have been revised in order to provide for the strict separation of organic and conventional product flows. A new traceability data processing system is in the process of introduction. There will be a systematic link with a program of systematic sampling, analysis and the retaining of samples.

The TIRYAKI organic department has been reorganized. New staff has been introduced. and further resourced. Staff training on organic requirements and best practices is newly structured and intensified. All measures are implemented under the supervision of well qualified and independent external consultants.

IMO revoked all transaction certificates for lentils, which showed traces of Glyphosate, and informed EU importers and importers’ control bodies accordingly.

IMO provides for the present growing season and the harvest of lentils in June 2011 in Turkey for a systematic sampling and analysis on farm level and the chain of delivery to TIRYAKI in the scope of organic controls. Based on the results of this sampling IMO will review its present evaluation that the presence of Glyphosate residues had not been caused by improper organic practices on the farm level nor in the chain of delivery.

IMO conducts a systematic review of its own control and certification procedures in order to determine steps of adjustment which might serve to detect cases of negligent commingling as it is suspected for the TIRYAKI facility earlier and more reliably.

From 16 to 21 of May 2011 experts of the German Federal Authority on Nutrition and Agriculture, which is a competent authority in the organic control system of the European Union (Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung - BLE), will visit all premises relevant to the Glyphosate incident, including those of TIRYAKI, organic farmers and the IMO office in Izmir. This visit is organized in conjunction with the annual accreditation audit by the
Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS).

IMO prepares a comprehensive report on its investigation and findings to be submitted to concerned competent authorities and control bodies. A summary will be made available to trade and other interested parties.



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