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USA: Organic Valley recognizes young organic farmers

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In celebration of its growing network of fresh-faced farmers, Organic Valley, USA's largest cooperative of organic farmers, has honored three of its youngest with Generation Organic Awards. Generation Organic is what Organic Valley calls its young organic farmers, aged 16 to 35, who represent a new generation of sustainable agriculture leaders. According to the 2007 USDA Census of Agriculture, America has lost approximately 4.5 million farms since 1935, and most of the 2.1 million farms that remain are operated by farmers with an average age of 57. In contrast, the average age of Organic Valley farmers is 44.

The Generation Organic Awards were presented to the young farmers at the cooperative's Annual Meeting in La Crosse, Wisconsin. One young farmer from each of the western, central and eastern regions was awarded US$1,000 to further their farm development. The winners also received an all expense paid trip to attend the 2011 Annual Meeting, where they met with Organic Valley leadership, attended workshops and participated in Generation Organic activities. Finally, Organic Valley will also donate US$500 to a non-profit of each of the winners' choice. More information on the winners is available here


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