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USA: Anvil announces organic education campaign

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Anvil Knitwear has announced an organics education program: "While many understand the importance of, say, eating organic foods, they don't always see why their apparel choices are just as important. We consider it both a challenge and an opportunity, and to a certain extent our mission, to teach everyone we can about the importance of sustainability and organic farming in the apparel industry," said Anthony Corsano, CEO of Anvil Knitwear, Inc. As part of the organics education program, Anvil has developed new TrackMyT lesson plans. TrackMyT chronicles the environmental impact of a shirt from seed to store, and the new lesson plans create a fun learning experience that emphasizes the importance of choosing organic. They cover everything from how cotton is grown on farms to what role insects play in agricultural processes.

Anvil has also recently launched the "Double It!" campaign, an initiative to double the domestic acreage of organic cotton by providing a financial incentive to traditional cotton farmers, and most recently has become a member of the fast-growing Business for Innovative Climate & Energy Policy (BICEP) coalition. BICEP is a Ceres group of major American companies committed to working with businesses and policymakers to advance more responsible, low-carbon, energy-efficient business practices. 

Anvil is a leader in the sustainable apparel industry with its AnvilOrganic and AnvilSustainable brands and has been ranked by Organic Exchange as the world's sixth-largest organic program for two years and it is the largest domestic purchaser of USA-grown certified organic cotton. The company offers 17 affordable eco styles made from a variety of fibers such as certified organic cotton, transitional cotton, recycled cotton, and recycled PET bottles and blends, in addition to over 70 traditional styles.

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