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USA: Stonyfield farm kicks-off organic education campaign

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Stonyfield Farm has launched a year-long organic education campaign with two efforts to get people talking about organic: "Just Eat Organic", a music video by Stonyfield President & CE-Yo Gary Hirshberg, and "The Organic Moment" , an online space for people to share personal stories about what organic means to them, PR Newswire reports. 

The "Just Eat Organic" rap video tells the story of America's switch from family farms to modern agriculture, which let "Big Agriculture" profit while consumers got addicted to convenient foods that are bad for their health. Stonyfield is collaborating with Honest Tea, which produced a similar music video called "Just Drink Organic," on a contest in honor of Earth Month. 

The new platform "The Organic Moment" aims to bring people together to explain their reasons for their organic choice. "Everyone who believes organic is important can add their own voice to The Organic Moment conversation," according to Mr Hirshberg. "The Organic Moment" features stories from individuals, groups, families, companies, and also from well-known storytellers like Robbert Kenner, director of Food, Inc. 

PR Newswire



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