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USA: The Organic Center reveals major initiatives for 2011

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The Organic Center, a leading research institute focused on the science of organic food and farming in the USA, has announced plans for three major science initiatives for 2011. Each is designed to provide consumers with credible, evidence-based education on the benefits of organic to human health and the environment. The first Organic Center initiative for 2011 is an updated analysis of foods posing relatively high and typically low risks from pesticides in specific foods, highlighting the often major differences in residues and risk in domestically grown food versus imported food. The Organic Center will develop these standards using the most recent data from the USDA’s Pesticide Data Program, coupled with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) dietary risk assessment methods. Additionally, two new Organic Center studies focusing on comparisons of organic and conventional foods are underway.

The first is a grain and grain-based products research program which will examine the benefits of organic grains versus conventional varieties. The study will compare the nutritional quality and safety of a range of organic, conventional, and natural grains and grain-based products and will assess both modern varieties of wheat, oats, and rice and ancient grains such as spelt, Kamut, and quinoa. The second is a milk quality study, which will evaluate and measure the benefits and differences of organic, natural, and conventional milk.

The Organic Center also announced a comprehensive research project conducted in partnership with the Natural Marketing Institute (NMI), designed to provide a clear understanding of how organics fit into the way consumers eat, shop and live. The study will help to increase consumer understanding of the difference between organic and conventionally grown foods. The study will commence in June 2011 and conclude with sponsor reports and workshops in January 2012. The methodology plan includes four robust phases: trended, syndicated data analysis; in-home and shop-along ethnographic research; eight-week online organic community qualitative research; and organic messaging plus 15 category surveys with 4,000 U.S. adults. The Organic Center and NMI will host a presentation on the study and preview consumer data and market needs at Natural Products Expo West.

The Organic Center will hold its 8th Annual Benefit Dinner during Natural Products Expo West at the Anaheim Hilton’s Pacific Ballroom on 11 March 2011. Ken Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group, will be the keynote speaker. Green living expert and TV host, Sara Snow, will premier an original video and serve as master of ceremonies. Dr. Chuck Benbrook, chief scientist for The Organic Center, will present science awards to John P. Reganold, Ph.D., Regents Professor of Soil Science at Washington State University and Urvashi Rangan, Ph.D., Director, Technical Policy, Consumers Union, the publisher of Consumer Reports. The Organic Center also announced the appointment of four new members to its board of directors.

The Organic Center



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