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Launch of COSMOS-standard certification

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The founders of COSMOS-standard AISBL, the international non-profit association, the object of which is to offer an internationally recognized standard for organic and natural cosmetics, is pleased to announce the opening of application processes for the COSMOS-standard. This will concern certification to the new standard and membership of COSMOS-standard AISBL. “In 2002, the founding organisations recognized that both the cosmetics industry and the cosmetics market are international and that companies and consumers would be best served by a single standard”, says Francis Blake, president of the Board of COSMOS-standard AISBL. “After much hard negotiation, we are very pleased that our work together is now ready and we are proud to launch the COSMOS-standard scheme.”

BDIH, COSMEBIO, ECOCERT Greenlife, ICEA and SOIL Association and their associated certification bodies have been working on harmonizing their certification schemes and rules to certify to the COSMOS-standard. As a result, the application for certification to COSMOS-standard is now opened for members and licensees of the five founders through the linked certification bodies. Members and licensees of the founding organisations are now welcome to apply for certification of their products to the new COSMOS-standard. Eligible certification bodies are:

Ecocert Greenlife
Qualité France
Soil Association Certification Ltd

Since its constitution in May 2010, the standard has been placed in the hands of COSMOS-standard AISBL. New members interested in the area of organic and/or natural cosmetics willing to support the association’s activities will be welcome to join the association. Application for membership of the COSMOS-standard AISBL is now possible through the registered office in Belgium. Associate membership of the COSMOS-standard AISBL is open to all – individuals, companies and associations – who have an interest in organic and natural cosmetics and who respect the interest of the AISBL and its members. Full membership is open to national, European and international associations. An application form and information about fees, etc can be downloaded from the website.

Full membership is for national, European and international associations, while companies and individuals can join as associate members. The approval process for new certification bodies to be authorised to certify to the COSMOSstandard is on-going. Opening for application from those certification bodies is planned for spring. The COSMOS-standard will be open for other certification bodies to apply to certify to the standard. The last details of the application and authorisation process are being finalised and will be announced shortly, as soon as they are finalised.


The founding organisations and their representatives on the board of the COSMOSstandard AISBL are: BDIH Harald Dittmar, COSMEBIO Pierre Charlier, Ecocert Greenlife Valerie Lemaire, ICEA Riccardo Anouchinsky, and Soil Association Francis Blake. The COSMOS-standard AISBL is an international non-profit organisation based in Belgium. It’s objects are to promote, support, coordinate and facilitate the activities and the success of its members by: owning and developing the COSMOS-standard as an international (and internationally accepted) standard for organic and natural cosmetics; authorising and overseeing high quality and harmonized certification; evolving towards more organic ingredients and environmental improvement through exchange, debate, and improved standards; representing and integrating opinions of members and interested associated bodies through the exchange of scientific, social, economic and market experience; contributing to policy development at all levels; raising awareness of organic and natural cosmetics.



Cosmetics & Bodycare


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