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MADE-BY launches its new online platform

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

MADE-BY, the European not-for-profit organisation with a mission to improve environmental and social conditions in the fashion industry, has launched its new online platform.  A revised structure, together with up-to-date, interactive contents and tools, now makes it easier for consumers to find out more about the sustainable efforts of fashion brands. For MADE-BY, transparency and openness are crucial elements in companies’ sustainable journey.

Enhanced transparency is achieved through key e-tools such as the ‘Scorecards’, which illustrate the social and environmental progress accomplished by fashion companies on a yearly basis. Another fundamental instrument consists of MADE-BY’s Track&Trace system, which was established to render the production of clothing items more transparent for consumers. Through this system, shoppers can now trace the various supply chain stages that are involved in producing their garment, from the raw material to the final product. Track&Trace, which was developed by Historic Futures, was fine-tuned to fit the fashion industry by MADE-BY. This system, which is unique within the fashion industry, offers full supply chain traceability directly to the consumers of MADE-BY partner brands, the organisation reports.

The way it works is simple: once a MADE-BY partner brand incorporates sustainable products into their collection, they can place a unique Track&Trace code on the labelling of garments they produce. This code can then be entered by the consumer on the brand’s or MADE-BY’s website. This allows them to see a chain showing where and by whom the item of clothing was produced, from the harvesting of raw materials through to the factory and finished garment. On the newly designed MADE-BY blog, industry people or consumers interested in sustainable fashion can get informed as well as share and discuss their own thoughts on current developments, future trends, best practice, and important upcoming events.




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