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USA: Bossa Nova Acai Juice now organic

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Bossa Nova has announced that all five varieties of its acai juice beverages have received organic certification from Quality Assurance International (QAI). Bossa Nova acai berry juice beverages with new organic labels will hit stores across the USA early in 2011. "Earning organic certification for our acai juice beverages was a natural progression in our commitment to quality," said Mark Ozimek, Bossa Nova brand manager. "As the pioneer that brought clarified acai juice to the USA, we are excited to take this step to further underscore the natural goodness of our beverages to consumers."   

Bossa Nova uses acai berries are turned into pulp within 14 hours of harvesting. The acai berries are picked by hand and harvested from sustainably grown acai palm trees in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. Bossa Nova has always been committed to using organic ingredients and to further its dedication. The following organic acai juice beverage flavors are offered: Acai Original, Acai Blueberry, Acai Raspberry, Acai Mango, and Acai Passionfruit. The Bossa Nova Superfruit Juice Company introduced its acai juice in the North American market in 2005.  Bossa Nova is sold in the USA in major grocery retailers as well as natural food stores, specialty retailers and co-ops nationwide.

Bossa Nova




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