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Italy: Altromercato - turnover of 47 million euros in 2010

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Altromercato, the most important Fair Trade organisation in Italy, has reported a positive outcome of 2010 at a meeting of shareholders. In the fiscal year 2009 to 2010, a turnover of 47 million euros was achieved, a plus of 11 % on the previous year. The Ctm Agrofair subsidiary, which specialises in Fair Trade exotic fruit, most of them also certified organic, has also reported an increase of 11 %, a net profit of 193,000 euros. Growth of Altromercato was mainly achieved in the food sector, which today represents over 80 % of the total revenue, AIAB reports. More and more products are also certified organic now. 

"The development of sales,” according to Paolo Palomba, CEO of Altromercato, “comes from more than 2.5 million consumers in Italy. There is also an additional pool of 15 million responsible consumers, which are attentive to social and environmental sustainability." To make them customers of Fair Trade products will depend on the ability of Altromercato to create membership, to raise awareness and to develop the world shops of the organisation, but also on the capacity of other commercial entities. "Guido Vittorio Leoni, President of Altromercato, concludes: "While a certain type of market reveals the fragility of development based on speculation and debt, there is also a solid 'other' market (Italian: Altro mercato - other market) based on production cycles and other activities that are financially fair and sustainable and accessible to all."





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