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Over a million EU citizens finally have their say on GM crops

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The call for a European Union moratium on genetically modified crops was delivered – together with Avaaz, Greenpeace presented this petition in Brussels, as the first ever European Citizens' initiative, to the European Commission. According to the Lisbon Treaty of the European Union, the Commission must bring forward an appropriate legal proposal on this topic, Greenpeace reports. It is the first European Citizens’ Intiative (ECI) delivered to the EU Commission after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty. Over one million people signed the petition within seven months from across Europe’s 27 countries - almost double the amount required for an ECI as it stands now. (Picture by Greenpeace: The first ever European Citizens’ Initiative is handed over to John Dali - EU Commissioner of Health and Consumer Policy. Over a million signatures surround the 380-square-metre piece of 3D pavement art)

Names were not simply being handed over on a piece of paper, but delivered on a 380 square meter piece of 3D artwork by world-famous pavement artist Kurt Wenner. Kurt created an ecological farm symbolising the future of agriculture with no GM crops surrounded by the 1 million names. The design was then transferred to a 11 GB file and sent to Greenpeace for printing. This piece of art created by one person sets a new world record. Another world record is the printing of the art on the biggest eco-friendly canvas by Pyramid Visuals who used non-toxic inks. (Picture by Greenpeace: A million names making up the citizens' initiative border the 3D pavement art outside the EU Commision)



Genetic Engineering


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