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Spain: Initiatives needed to increase domestic consumption

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

64 % of Spaniards claim they have somewhen at least consumed one organic product. The main reasons given are that organics are healthier, better tasting and of higher quality. People who have never consumed organic products didn't to so because of the high cost and the difficulty to find them. This data was collected by the „Observatory on Organic Food Consumption "and revealed by the general manager of Industry and Food Markets, Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM), Isabel Bombal, during the inauguration of the fair of organic products and responsible consumption BioCultura in November 2010. Ms Bombal also stressed that Spain ranks first in the European Union regarding the organic area with more than 1.6 million hectares and more than 27,600 operators.
However, Spanish consumers do not buy organic foods in proportions similar to those of inhabitants of other European countries of similar level of economic development, Ecoticias reports. Therefore, Ms Bombal considers it as necessary that all areas will undertake initiatives to help bring organic food to the public, "both in building the information on organic production, and in facilitating consumer access to the food in all channels and forms of food distribution." The "Observatory on Organic Food Consumption" also shows that consumption of these products is very consistent among all age groups, but decreases among those over the age of 65. In addition, 57.9 % of respondents say they find organic products in their place of habitual purchases, although the range seems limited. Supermarkets are the preferred channel for buying such items. Very few consumers, 12.7 %, associate organic products with a logo or seal. Those that do, relate it to a "green label".




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