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Australia: New BFA website launched

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Australia’s foremost organic body, the Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA) has launched a new, easy to use website, further enhancing the valuable resources it provides to consumers and the organic industry. With appealing design and easy navigation, the website has retained the web address but upgraded its features to ensure ease of use, new functionality and enhanced access to all resources the BFA is known for. BFA General Manager Holly Vyner said the organisation recognised the need to create an organic “hub” that provided access to organic resources and support across all levels of the community. “The BFA has decades’ worth of information to share and is the largest network and support group for anyone with an interest in organics from consumer through to farmer. The new website will allow the BFA to provide greater access to information and build on its support services to industry,” she said.

One new addition is the „Organic Discussion Board“ forum which provides an opportunity for everyone to communicate directly with farmers, operators, producers, processors and traders as well as BFA staff, certifiers and auditors. “Every day the BFA answers questions from consumers and others relating to organic food and farming. The new web-based forum allows consumers to ask their questions of BFA nutritionists, BFA representatives on standards and technical matters, and even organic growers. The forum will allow a growing archive of valuable, practical information and advice to be accessed for the benefit of all,” Ms Vyner said. “In addition, it provides an outlet for those in the organic industry to take part in conversations and debate which will enhance the growth of the industry.”

Education and information for consumers is a high priority with a dedicated website address for the consumer section of the site. “Consumer focused information can be accessed directly at the address and includes information for consumers on what organic food and living is, where to buy organic food, and a link to the new Organic Crusader help line,” Ms Vyner said. The Organic Crusader is an initiative providing consumers with a reporting line if they see a product in the market place which is labelled organic but appears not to comply with organic standards. Ms Vyner urges users to “visit the BFA website and use the forums and resources to your advantage. Also follow the links to our brand new YouTube page to watch the latest inspiring interview with popular organic chef Tobie Puttock, ambassador for National Organic Week”. Consumers will have even more to look forward to in coming weeks as the BFA is set to make an organic mark on social networking tools Facebook and Twitter.





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