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USA: GreenGourmetToGo kicks-off healthy eating educational series

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

GreenGourmetToGo, an organic vegetarian take-out restaurant that focuses on sustainable food sources and health-supportive cooking, has announced that it will be hosting a series of free educational discussions on healthy living at its restaurant in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport, CT. Local author Beth Lambert will kick-off GreenGourmetToGo’s educational initiative by discussing her book, “A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America's Children.” The free event is being held on 21 October, 2010 at GreenGourmetToGo, and will give parents and others touched by this epidemic, an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the causes, recovery and prevention of these illnesses. GreenGourmetToGo recently expanded it space by doubling its size.The additional space includes a gourmet gift shop, related books, seating area for screening food-related movies and space for local artists to show their work. (Picture: GreenGourmetToGo)

A Compromised Generation reveals how seemingly benign elements of American culture are making millions of children chronically ill, disabled, or dysfunctional. It is a "perfect storm" of environmental factors including decades of pharmaceutical over-usage, toxic or nutritionally anemic diets, excessive exposure to environmental toxins, specific American habits and lifestyles, and excessive or improperly administered vaccines. A Compromised Generation provides details on how this epidemic can be reversed and how to prevent more children from becoming ill, supplying evidence that children can recover from chronic illnesses, including autism, by altering their environmental influences and by stepping outside of the traditional western medical paradigm. Beth Lambert is a former healthcare consultant and teacher.  She is the Executive Director of PEACE: Parents Ending America's Childhood Epidemic, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that educates the public about the epidemic of chronic illness affecting youth, and helps parents connect with other parents and appropriate health care providers.



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