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USA: Tools to encourage consumer support for agriculture

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The California Agriculture Communications Coalition (CACC) has just launched a new website  and, as part of the project, are offering an online communications toolbox for farmers to help them to connect with consumers, to put a face to California's farmers and to increase understanding of agriculture in the state. The goal is that via the new website consumers will learn about the multi-generational nature of California's family farms, the value of the local food they produce, the jobs they create and the business challenges they face, CCOF reports.

CACC is encouraging all California farmers to get involved and to share interesting, engaging, authentic stories about their family's farming history, life on the farm and the day-to-day activities in which they are engaged. Registration is required for a contributor account and to gain access to the Communications Toolbox on the „Know a California Farmer“ (KACF) website. Once registered, one can do any or all of the following: Post a photo album of the farm, post a link to the farm's blog, post a video of the farm, and access the „communications tool box“ training materials to learn about the many ways to communicate the farm's story to the media and how best to go about it.




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