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Korean market for U.S. organic products to remain open through 2012

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) lauded a decision by the Korean Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MIFAFF) to extend its current organic labeling regulations for imports until Dec. 31, 2012, thus allowing continued access by U.S. organic companies to export organic food products to Korea.

“This is wonderful news, particularly given the current economic climate. With this extension, the U.S. organic sector can expect uninterrupted trade with Korea equaling about $55 million in U.S. organic exports to Korea per year,” said Christine Bushway OTA’s Executive Director and CEO, adding, “Equally important, this extended time frame gives the U.S. organic industry the confidence to expand its product lines and sales strategies for the first time since 2008.” She noted that the decision also contributes to the goals of President Obama’s initiative to increase U.S. agricultural exports.

The organic industry, through OTA, and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials had requested the extension of the labeling requirement provided under Korea’s Food Sanitation Act that had been scheduled to be withdrawn at the end of 2010. MIFAFF is continuing to tighten its domestic organic regulations to integrate its certification programs for agricultural products and processed foods into one unified program, and to apply ISO Guide 65 to the accreditation of certification agencies

The Korean decision came about as a result of public-private efforts by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), U.S. Embassy staff and OTA representatives in concert with the Korean organic industry and Korean organic regulators. FAS officials have noted that the extension allows for negotiation of MIFAFF recognition of the National Organic Program as equivalent to the Korean Organic Regulation while keeping the Korean market open for U.S. organic exports.

OTA, in partnership with Sustainable Strategies, works closely with FAS and U.S. trade negotiation teams to ensure that organic products are considered in trade negotiations, and offers an International Trade Forum for its members. In addition, OTA manages the Organic Export Program, an international marketing program funded by the USDA Market Access Program to promote U.S. organic products to the world market, and an online Export Directory listing companies that export.



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