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USA: Pizza Fusion reports high increase rates

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

2010 is the year of the franchise and Pizza Fusion has been reaping the benefits, the company reports. The current economic situation in the USA does not seem to affect the growth of this type of business, the Government is considering increasing funds for Small Business Administration in the USA, and success rates for franchises are greater than 90 %. This the highest success rate for any type of business. Consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers expects franchising to grow at an increase of over 24 billion US$ this year.

Pizza Fusion, the fresh restaurant franchise concept, has shown tremendous growth since its inception in 2006. While most restaurants have seen a downturn in same store sales, Pizza Fusion has excelled. For the 12 months ended 30 June 2010, system-wide sales increased to nearly 11 million US$, an increase of 46 % over the prior 12-month period, and same store sales increased approximately 11 %, performing better than fast casual industry trends.
The company has also been honored with numerous awards, ranging from the #4 Mover and Shaker by Fast Casual Magazine and “Best Pizza” by multiple publications including The New Times. Furthermore, Pizza Fusion is one of the only restaurant chains in the world with restaurants meeting LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification standards, which has proven to provide about a 30 % annual savings on utility expenses at Pizza Fusion vs. traditional restaurants. Pizza Fusion presents America’s favorite food in a stylish, socially responsible package that taps into the growing natural foods market where today, 73 % of American families choose to buy healthier foods.

Pizza Fusion



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